Our services
Phone Support
Our customers enjoy the responsive interaction with our staff, getting answers to most questions within minutes.
Group Training
Attending a group training session is a very economical method of learning about the software. The annual PowerManager Users Group meeting in Minnesota is an example of this type of training. Our staff also help with more training sessions in various locations closer to other user locations.
On Site
For more personalized training, staff are willing to be on site for one on one training. This is a very good method of getting up to speed with the software, especially for some users who learn best at home.
Custom Programming
Our software is very flexible and most utilities don't ever need custom programming. But when a need arises and you need something a little different, it's nice to know you can have part of the program modified to meet your specific needs.
What is PowerManager
Utility Billing
Produce and process bills for a wide variety of services that a municipal utility provides. This is a highly flexible system and fully integrated into other accounting functions.
Service Orders
Track your service orders electronically. Closely integrated with Utility Billing
General Ledger
A double entry accounting system specifically designed for Municipals.
Accounts Payable
Keep track of your bills and prints check.
Accounts Receivable
Bill for non-utility specific charges.
Simplify your payroll process and produces form 941, w-2 and w-3 with electronic filing.
A simple inventory system to help you keep track of your inventory items.
What is LMWin
Load Management
This program was developed to meet an electric utility's need for monitoring their total electric system load and for direct control of their non critical consumer loads. The program retrieves substation readings over normal voice grade communication lines, dedicated communications lines, two-way radio communication systems, or cell phone modems to perform its monitoring function. It can monitor numerous substation locations that are separately metered circuits and combine their individual loads to show a total system load. Generation can also be included in that data. It can control hot water heaters, A/C units, irrigation systems, and city water and sewage pumps to name a few. Only a couple of larger loads not running during a peak can make a very large difference in the utilities demand charges. The goal of this program is to control non critical electric load when the cost of using electricity is the highest, when the utility system is at its peak demand. Typically a utility pays for that peak usage for the next year or the next few years.

About us
We specialize in the development and support of accounting, customer information and demand side management software. These software applications are designed to meet the needs of municipalities and municipal utilities. We are located in Lincoln, Neb., and formed in 1997. We are a small but experienced company. Each of our employee have developed, supported and customized municipal and utility related software since the early to mid- 1980’s.
In June 1999, we formed a partnership with NMPP Energy in creating what is now known as PowerManager®. This suite of municipal accounting and customer information applications is used by municipalities and utilities from coast to coast. Each year our staff attend the PowerManager® Users Group (PMUG) Annual Conference to listen to our user’s needs, give presentations and provide training updates.
In 2013, we began full time support of a demand side management program called LMWin. This software program monitors a utility’s electric load and sends out control signals to switches connected to the utilities system. It turns off and on air conditioners, water heaters, large electric motors or irrigation systems to control the system wide load. The object is to shave the peak off the system’s demand usage when costs are the highest, reducing total system demand.
We keep pace with technology by updating our development tools and incorporate current advances into our software products. Whether it is developing new products, providing customer support or making customized modifications to meet the needs of a specific user, we always strive to provide the best value.